Category: Sample Data


Wonderful apples

Botanical name: Malus domestica

Delicious, crunchy, juicy and sweet are all adjectives used to describe apples. They fit perfectly in a lunch box, this makes them popular snack food or .. Apples are extremely versatile. Although they are often considered as a typical American food, actually they originated in Mesopotamia. Some 2,500 varieties of apples grown in the United States and 7,500 varieties are grown worldwide.

appleHealthy Benefits of Apple

Especially rich in vitamin C, apples also provide vitamin A as a powerful antioxidant to help resist infections and eliminate free radicals that cause inflammation. They also contain a significant amount of fiber that can help prevent the absorption of cholesterol LDL (bad). Apples are a good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine (vitamin B1) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which together emit the enzymatic power to support metabolism and other vital functions in the body.

Other minerals in apples include iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, calcium and potassium, which are important components to help control heart rate and blood pressure. All these benefits and more, explain why apples can legitimately be characterized as a "superfood".

Warning: Apples are one of the most contaminated with pesticides in plant foods section, so it is better to buy organic apples.

Apple Nutrition Facts

Serving size: One cup of chopped apple (125 grams), including cascara
Amount per proportion

Studies on Apples

At least one study shows that flavonoids and nitrates in apples may protect against cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure and improving funció

Research also indicates a connection between consumption of apples and a reduced risk of certain cancers, particularly colorectal cancer  in January , due to the high content of flavonoids which release the antioxidant activity. It turns out that apples contain more antioxidants than any other food and the shell is even more powerful than the flesh / pulp. Also interesting is the discovery that there is no other fruit that is associated with altered risk of colorectal cancer: The higher the intake, the greater the impact.

Recipes with Apples: Apple Salad, Nuts & Kernels



  1. In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients and dill.
  2. Mix yogurt, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Makes 4 servings. 

(Recipe taken from the book by Dr. Mercola,  Healthy Recipes for your Nutritional Type )

Facts About Apples

A tablet dating from 1500 BC was discovered in northern Mesopotamia, which records trade by Tupkitilla apple orchard, an Assyrian from Nuzi, who was three times awarded player sheep. Anyone that would allow the fire destroyed an apple orchard was fined three shekels (Israeli currency) under the Hittite law.


When we carefully analyze all the benefits offered apples, you will understand why it is called a "superfood". Apples have been mentioned in legends through the ages, and not only for its delicious taste. They are extremely versatile in recipes, both raw and cooked, offer cancer fighting properties and powerful antioxidants in every bite. What could be better than that?

However, you should consume in moderation because apples contain fructose, which can be harmful to your health in excessive amounts.

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